Attendance is critical to the success of your child in school.When a student is absent from school, the following procedures must be followed: A parent or guardian must call the attendance reporting line at 317-988-7890 before 9:20 a.m. of the day the absence occurs to notify the school of the absence. This information should be included in the voice mail message:
- Student’s name and grade
- Name of person making the call and relationship to student
- Reason for absence Date of the absence
- A contact telephone number for verification
If the student’s absence is due to a medical, dental, or other professional appointment, a note of verification from the place of business is required within 48 hours of the appointment.
All phone calls and verification notes must be received by the Attendance Secretary within 48 hours of the student’s return to school in order for the absence to be excused. If a note or phone call is NOT received within 48 hours, the absence will be considered unexcused. The day of return is the first 24 hours. The attendance voicemail is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is the responsibility of the student and parents to report absences to the school promptly.
The attendance procedures for students with an excessive absences are as follows:
- Other school consequences include In School Suspension.
- Restriction on participating in or attendance at extracurricular events.
- Referral to Truancy Court.
- Referral of Parent to court for Educational Neglect
- Removal from regular school setting and placement in an alternative school setting